Wednesday, November 12, 2008


One famous dude once said:

"A friend is like a four leave clover, hard to find, lucky to have"

I wonder: 'which way does it apply?? Both ways? Or just one way?"

The other famous dudette said:

"A friend is the one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out"

*scratches head* Right...

I don't think I'll ever understand. Which is my friend? Won't he/she be a part of the world too? And if the world walks out won't that mean he/she also walks out?

So who really is my friend?
I'm sure we can all give long list of friends name. But which of them are true? Do we really know? It's hard to tell the true ones from the fake, but i'm sure we'll all eventually see it.

If your friend treats you like some last resort-------fake
If your friend uses all your money and don't plan on returning it-----fake
If your friend is by your side no matter the time-----true
Shall i continue? I know we call many people our friends, but if we were to truly look inside a person's heart it would be very different from the things we are used to seeing.

Another guy that said:

"Never judge a book by it's cover" & "Looks can be deceiving"

I think we often fall into traps where the looks are deceiving. We come out of the situation hurt, broken to bits and sometimes even angry. We think we learned a lesson but we'll still make the same mistakes again. *I personally don't think we will learn from our mistakes*
Come to think of it, we shouldn't blame those that deceive us. We are better off blaming ourselves. We let ourselves fall into the same trap again and again.

So i hope i proved my point here.

signing off,
rachie =)

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